Geary was a marine, his motto was Semper F
He was always faithful until the day he died 
Geary was true he was from the heartland 
Bankrupt farms and callused hands
Mary was a Christian she did the right thing
One loot on the ground one on angel´s wing
Andrea saw life from her wheelchair
With her hard smile and her auburn hair
Geary took his family to see the U.S.A.
On the Sunset Limited far from harms way

 Now they´re gone away
 Geary Chancey and Mary Jane
 Now they´re gone away
 Gave your lives but not in vain
 Laid down so your daughter could live
 What more could a parent give?

Late at night on a moon less river
The bridge gave away
The train pitched into the water
Sinking they passed Andrea through the window
Their hopes on the surface reality down below
Geary returned to free his wife, pinned to the floor
Fighting with desperation they could breathe no more
With brass and coral and sacrifice
The Chancey family leid down their lives

 Now they´re gone away
 Geary Chancey and Mary Jane
 Now they´re gone away
 Gave your lives but not in vain
 Laid down so your daughter could live
 What more could a parent give?

The funeral hammered it through and through
We saw the last sunset set for you
The pariah priest could not explain
Why the good people get all the pain
The family´s heads bowed down in disbelief
Their faces contorted in silent grief 
No explanation was given that day
Said the lord gives and he takes away
When the honor guard rifles tore apart the air
It shook the ground, but heaven knew it wasn´t fair
Geary Chancey and Mary Jane
A hero and a heroine